
Ego Investment

Protective personal bias

Ego investments represent all that an individual's cognitive functions hold stock in. Ego investments are often seen as undesirable because they risk a dependence on false premises; however, it is unrealistic to expect someone to be capable of having no ego investments at all.

Synchronicity naturally bolsters ego investments, while Asynchronicity naturally destroys them.

Optimistic functions hold ego investments so an individual can thrive. These functions are proactive and cost little energy to use; when problems do not arise, these functions are the default approach to life. An individual who experiences destruction of optimistic ego investments once will be deeply hurt in the short-term but likely move on quickly. Repeated destruction can cause a paradigm shift from SF to UF.

Pessimistic functions hold ego investments so an individual can survive. These functions are reactive and cost appreciable energy to use; when problems arise, these functions are ready to provide backup. An individual who experiences destruction of pessimistic ego investments once will experience shallow pain which can take a long time to heal. Repeated destruction can set SD individuals years back in their path toward enlightenment and cause psychotic break in UD individuals.

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