
Psychotic Break

A mental state acquired when the Superego completely wins over the Ego

Not to be confused with a superego transition, psychotic break is a state that can only happen to people who have been UDUF for too long. When the superego attempts to take over in this case, it follows a standard process of defeating the ego functions. First, the cynic replaces the the child. Second, the demon replaces the hero. Thirdly, the trickster replaces the teenager. Finally, the enemy replaces the infant. Once the infant is broken, an individual is left completely disabled and hopeless, as though they have nothing left to live for.

Note: There is hope for everyone. The EgoHacking Your Fear course provides instructions to move oneself or other people from UF to SF. Do not give up on yourself, and try to have some sympathy and empathy for others struggling from extreme disablement.

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