
Sword (Ti)

18 Function_Swords 1.png

One of the eight Cognitive Functions

Lego: "Know"

Sword (Ti) is an archetypal representation of the following concepts:
Deduction, Filter, Candor, Separate, Verify, Facts, Harsh, Criticism, Division

Cognitive Interface: Judgment
Judgment Split: Thinking
Cognitive Direction: Introversion

Cognitive Axis: Mace (Fe)
Cognitive Orbit: Bow (Te)
Cognitive Reflection: Spear (Fi)

IPOF Position: Process

The ignorance of the sword comes from to biases in considering input. The first is preferred input (also known as an echo chamber), which is only considering data which people already agree with. The second is last known input, which comes when the user fails to listen to other people.

Associated Terms

introverted thinking, logos, logic, honesty, last known input, processing, digesting thoughts, echo chamber, preferred input, deductive reasoning, proof, framework, subtraction, derivation, live by the sword and die by the sword, double-edged, sharp, information

Video Resources

What Is Introverted Thinking?

How Introverted Thinking Works

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