
Bow (Te)

17 Function_Bow_and_Arrows 1.png

One of the eight Cognitive Functions

Lego: "Understand"

Bow (Te) is an archetypal representation of the following concepts:
Rationale, Induction, Metrics, Rules, Achievements, Status, Reputation, Standards, Beliefs, Labeling

Cognitive Interface: Judgment
Judgment Split: Thinking
Cognitive Direction: Extraversion

Cognitive Axis: Spear (Fi)
Cognitive Orbit: Sword (Ti)
Cognitive Reflection: Mace (Fe)

IPOF Position: Input

The ignorance of the bow comes from confirmation bias, which is rationalization of new information to bolster a belief.

Associated Terms

extraverted thinking, datos, data, surveys, confirmation bias, correlation, shame, hierarchy, belief system, credit, labels, names, shout out, regard, categorizing, procedures, titles, badges, credibility, rules, generalizing, other's thoughts, groupthink, majority rules, addition, achievement, arrival, Occam's razor

Video Resources

What Is Extraverted Thinking?

How Extraverted Thinking Works

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