
Wind (Se)

13 Function_Wind 1.png

One of the eight Cognitive Functions

Lego: "Is"

Wind (Se) is an archetypal representation of the following concepts:
Reactions, Force, Realism, Observation, Demonstration, History, Finesse, Variety, Performance

Cognitive Interface: Perception
Perception Split: Sensation
Cognitive Direction: Extraversion

Cognitive Axis: Fire (Ni)
Cognitive Orbit: Earth (Si)
Cognitive Reflection: Water (Ne)

IPOF Position: Output

Associated Terms

extraverted sensing, collective conscious, shared experience, reflex, reaction time, present moment, attention seeking, short term memory, totemic memory, psychometry, impact, physics, spatial awareness, mechanical prowess, commanding, instructing, explosive, others' convenience, others' mistakes, shared history, environment, use, rejection, doorslam, showing, habit recognition, loyalty check, push, wasteful, mess

Video Resources

What Is Extraverted Sensing?

How Extraverted Sensing Works

Having Fun Alone

Healthy Doorslamming

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