

02 Comm_Progression 1.png

The chaos-seeking half of the third Expression Microvector

Progression thrives in constantly moving toward the result, preferring faster or more attempts to the same end. Progression focus is spontaneous and restless to find many attempts for success. Progression fears inaction so attempts their objective with more frequency. Progression values the journey above the goal.

Progression [[Expression|Expressions]]:

Progression Types:
Cavalier (ESFJ)
Duelist (ESFP)
Rogue (ENTP)
Bard (ENFP)
Archivist (ISTJ)
Artificer (ISTP)
Ranger (INTJ)
Paladin (INFJ)

Opposition: Outcome

Associated Terms

movement, act, move, jump-in, adjust, adapt, lack of planning, imprecise, cutting corners, being too fast, bringing unnecessary chaos, get things done, accelerate, keep progress going, expedite, maintain continuous improvement, spontaneity, randomness, improvisation, flexible goals, course correction, speed

Video Resources

Comparing Outcome/Progression

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