

00 Comm_Direct 1.png

The explicit half of the first Expression Microvector

Direct communication is explicit, specific, concise, or decisive. Direct leaves little doubt as to meaning or intent. In a conversation, direct types choose the roles for themselves and others.

Direct [[Expression|Expressions]]:

Direct Types:
Judicator (ESTJ)
Gladiator (ESTP)
Marshal (ENTJ)
Cleric (ENFJ)
Archivist (ISTJ)
Artificer (ISTP)
Ranger (INTJ)
Paladin (INFJ)

Opposition: Informative

Associated Terms

lead, instruct, manage, command, overbearing, explicit, under-explaining, aggressive, excessive forcefulness, simplify, supervise, concise, tell, get to the point, clarification, intent, certainty, restless, confidence, masculine

Video Resources

Comparing Direct/Informative

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