The interdependent half of the second Worldview Microvector
Affiliative is a focus on the proper, what “should” be, or “what’s right” based on group standards. Affiliative seeks permission before acting and is apologetic. Affiliative respects authority and proven methodologies. Affiliative values cooperation within a family, group, or team.
Affiliative Worldviews:
Affiliative Types:
Judicator (ESTJ)
Cleric (ENFJ)
Cavalier (ESFJ)
Bard (ENFP)
Archivist (ISTJ)
Paladin (INFJ)
Knight (ISFJ)
Mystic (INFP)
Opposition: Pragmatic
Associated Terms
harmonize, understand, conform, build unity, establish consensus, being peer pressured, enforcing, censoring, suppressing, compelling others to participate, reach agreement, comply, receive approval, meditate, utilize interdependence, interconnection, openness, inclusion, teamwork, asking for permission
Video Resources
Comparing Affiliative/Pragmatic